Dr. med. Arnold Gurndin
Specialist in Orthopedics and Sports Traumatology
Trauma and Orthopedic surgeon
Medical Director of the Dolomiti Sportclinic
In 2010 Dr. Arnold Gurndin founded the Dolomiti Sportclinic with the vision of becoming the leading institution in the Dolomites for sports traumatology and orthopedics. As medical director of the Dolomiti Sportclinic and ambitious surgeon the clinic has continuously grown under his medical management.
"Make the impossible happen!"
Range of services
Arthroscopic surgery
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Wrist
- Hip
- Knee
- Ankle
Sports Traumatology
- Meniscus tear
- Anterior cruciate ligament rupture
- Tendon ruptures (Achilles tendon, biceps tendon, peroneus tendon, tib. post. tendon)
- Rotator’s cuff tear
- Shoulder luxation
- AC- joint luxation
- Shaft-and joint fractures of the upper and lower extremities
- Knie (Teil- und Vollprothesen)
- Sprunggelenk
- Hüfte (Oberflächenersatz, Standardprothese, Frakturprothese
Foot surgery
- Forefoot corrections (Hallux valgus, Hallux rigidus, hammer toe, playfoot)
- Hindfoot corrections (kinked flatfoot in children and adults, concave foot, post-traumatic deformities and arthrosis)
- Impingement syndromes/ Morton Neurom
- Tendon surgeries (Achilles tendon, peroneus tendon, tib. post. tendon, tendon transfer surgeries)
Cartilage replacement surgeries
- Knee joint
- Ankle joint
- Elbow joint
- Toe joints
- 2017 Congress about back pain and spine surgery at the Dolomiti Sportclinic in Ortisei
- 2016 Congress about hand surgery at the Dolomiti Sportclinic in Ortisei
- 2013 Congress about the rotator’s cuff rupture at the Dolomiti Sportclinic in Ortisei
- 2010 Agenda della Salute, Gennaio-Febbraio 2010: Spalla e Ginocchio: Traumatologia della Spalla, Principi di trattamento mini-invasivo
- 2009: ORF- Südtirol heute: Video-Beitrag zum Thema Hallux Valgus
- 2008: Vortrag “Unsere Füße tragen uns durchs Leben” im Kolpinghaus Bozen
- 2007: Vortrag “Unsere Füße tragen uns durchs Leben” im Blindenzentrum St. Raphael Bozen
- 2006: Live- Sendung im RAI – Sender Bozen zum Thema: “Hallux Valgus”
- 2004: Vortrag “The BLM Knee Defect Classification – Proposal for a DGOOC- Bone Defect Classifiacation in Primary & Revision Knee Artroplasty”, DGOOC Kongress in Berlin
- Vortrag “Ellbogenverletzungen im Wintersport – state of the art”, Kaprun- Zell am See (Austria), Sportmedizinischer Kongress
- Vortrag “Schulterluxation – state of the art”, Kaprun- Zell am See (Austria), Sportmedizinischer Kongress
- 2002: Fortbildungsreihe – vertiefte Ausbildung für Physiotherapeuten am Regionalkrankenhaus Bozen: Lesen von Befunden (Röntgen, CT, MRI) der Wirbelsäule, Schulter, Hüfte
- Vortrag “La patologia dell’articolazione coxo-femorale – le fratture femorali, trattamento chirurgico”, Allg. Krankenhaus Meran
- 1999: Poster “Injury pattern of Handball players in Innsbruck”, 10th European Congress on Sports Medicine, Innsbruck
- 1998: Vortrag “Der Bänderriss – die typische Indoor- Verletzung”, Internationales Raiffeinsen- Symposium Innsbruck
- 1990-1991: Herausgabe eines 640 Seiten umfassenden Skriptums zum Fach “Pharmakologie und Toxikologie” – medizin. Fachschaft der UNI IBK
- Medical studies at the Leopold – Franzens – University Innsbruck
- Execution of military service as medical director at the financial guard in Trento
- Training as a specialist in trauma surgery and sports traumatology in Italy (Brixen), Austria (Bludenz, Hohenems, Feldkirch) and Germany (Munich and Murnau)
- Training as an emergency doctor in Austria
- 2001 return to the hospital of Merano as a specialist in trauma surgery and sports traumatology. The main areas of activity are trauma surgery and arthroscopic interventions on the shoulder and knee. Subsequently training as a specialist in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery with further specialization in the field of joint surgery (prostheses of shoulder, knee and hip joint) at the endoclinic in Hamburg, Germany, as well as back foot surgery / ankle prosthetics at the orthopedic department of the Foot Center Basel (UNI Basel) in Switzerland
- Since 2005 freelance specialist for orthopedics and traumatology in South Tyrol as well as official instructor in the implantation of ankle prostheses (HINTEGRA) in Italy.
- From 2006 to 2012 attending physician in the Marienklinik in Bolzano
- Since 2010 medical director of the Dolomiti Sportclinic, main areas of activity are sports traumatology, trauma surgery and orthopedics
- Member of the ÖGU
- Member of the AGA
- Member of the SICP